InformationAccessibility Statement
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Accessibility statement

We places great emphasis on the importance of accessibility of the comapny sites to every user. As part of upgrading the site, we did everything in our power to enable people with disabilities to access information easily and comfortably. The goal of the site is to enable people with visual or hearing disabilities,  handicapped people, and those with difficulties in operating the computer to navigate the pages of the site in the best possible way.


As part of the efforts to make the site more accessible, we operated on several levels:

  • Create a hierarchy that allows simple navigation and orientation.

  • Use clear content and legible fonts. 

  • A uniform and clear structure for all sub-pages.

  • Site matching for different browser types and resolutions. 

  • Add text to the image descriptions (use the alt tag)

Tel: +972545743386 

Email: [email protected]

Accessibility statement